6 months ago, Jennifer Linville
thank you
From RS:
6 months ago, Jennifer Linville
thank you
Rural Special School Supply List for the 2024-2025 school year
7 months ago, Dusty Mitchell
RS School Supplies 24-25
Rural Special...Congratulations to Tori Mealer, May Employee of the Month!!!
9 months ago, Tanya Stewart
employee of the month
RS: A huge thank you to the Timbo Masonic Lodge for providing lunch for all of our teachers today!
9 months ago, Jennifer Linville
RS:This Thursday
9 months ago, Jennifer Linville
Rural Special...Welcome Lynsee McBroom!!
9 months ago, Tanya Stewart
new hire
Rural Special...Congratulations to the April Employee of the Month...Britt Currie!!
9 months ago, Tanya Stewart
employee of the month
RS: Congratulations to Jennifer Linville for winning a prize package donated by Stone Bank for Teacher Appreciation Week! Thank you so much to Stone Bank for bringing donuts and for sponsoring the prize filled with gift cards and other goodies.
9 months ago, Jennifer Linville
Rural Special...Happy National School Nurse Day, Mrs. Dale!!! Thank you for all the love and care you show each and every student! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
9 months ago, Tanya Stewart
school nurse
RS: Reminder about kindergarten registration this Friday.
10 months ago, Jennifer Linville
Reminder about Kindergarten Registration at Rural Special:
10 months ago, Jennifer Linville
RS: Kindergarten Registration Details:
11 months ago, Jennifer Linville
11 months ago, Jennifer Linville
12 months ago, Jennifer Linville
Rural Special...Just a reminder that tomorrow (Tuesday, March 5th) students in Grades 3 - 10 will be taking the writing part of the ATLAS Summative Test. Please make sure your child gets plenty of rest and, for Grades 7 - 10, comes to school with a fully charged Chromebook. A couple of other dates to take note of are: 3rd Quarter will end on Friday, March 8th. And, Parent/Teacher Conferences will be on Thursday, March 14th.
12 months ago, Tanya Stewart
important dates
Rural Special...All students in Grades 3 - 10 will be taking the first portion of the ATLAS Summative Test on Tuesday, March 5th! This part of the test will be writing. Please make sure that your child gets plenty of rest the night before testing and encourage your child to do their best on the test. Students in Grades 7 - 10 will need to bring their Chromebooks fully charged to school. The science, math, and reading portions of the ATLAS Summative Test will be given April 22nd through April 25th. Goooo Rebels...Rock The Test!
12 months ago, Tanya Stewart
12 months ago, Jennifer Linville
elite 8
RSHS: The Rural Special Rebels will be playing in the State Basketball Tournament at North Ark College in Harrison on Wednesday, Feb. 28, at 2:30pm vs. County Line. Students who wish to attend the game may leave school at 12:20pm (please check out in the office). In addition, we will be taking a pep bus that will be leaving at 12:20pm. Students will eat lunch before leaving on the bus. The bus should return around 6:00pm. Students will need concession money, and they will need a signed permission form to ride the bus.
12 months ago, Jennifer Linville
12 months ago, Jennifer Linville