MVES - Thank you to Stone Bank for providing extra bottles of water for our students and to Jennifer Hinston, Pure International Classy Ms.South Central Arkansas for donating water bottles for our students & students across the district, as well as snacks, disinfectant wipes, and notebooks. (All donations were received before the first day of school.)

MVES - Mountain View Elementary wants to give a big thank you to Centennial Bank and Wal-Mart for each donating $1000 that allowed us to provide school supplies for our students and to First Baptist Church for providing KinderMats for our kindergartners.

MVES - Week 2 has begun! Thank you to all of our students, parents, teachers, and staff for a great start to the school year!

MVES - Happy Friday!! We hope everyone has had a wonderful summer. We look forward to seeing you for the first day of school on Monday, August 16. Due to Covid protocols, we will be doing temperature checks and all students and adults will be wearing masks at this time. We will continue the practice of parents calling the school before entering throughout the day. Thank you for helping us make this school year the best ever for your child!!

MVES - Mountain View Elementary Open House 2021

MVES - It was so good to see everyone at Open House!! Thank you for coming by to meet your teachers! We look forward to seeing everyone on Monday and please remember, all students must wear a mask at this time.

MVES - Mountain View Elementary would like to thank Simmons First Bank and Flatwoods Baptist Church for breakfast this week and thank Centennial Bank, First Security Bank and Stone Bank for lunches. We also appreciate the teacher gift bags provided by Centennial Bank. Your support and generosity is deeply appreciated!!

MVES - Drive through and meet your teacher at Open House on Thursday, August 12 from 3-7 p.m. Grades K, 1 and 2 will be at stations on Killion Drive (please enter on N. Riggsville Drive by Best Drug). Grades 3, 4 and any students of Mrs. Brewer, Mrs. Connie, Mrs. Frederick, or Mrs. White will be on Elementary Drive. We can’t wait to see you!!

MVES - We are 1 month away from the first day of school!!
Mountain View Elementary is excited to announce that all classroom school supplies will be provided for our students in Kindergarten through 4th Grade. Parents will only need to provide a backpack for their child. Any classroom donations of tissues and/or disinfectant wipes will be appreciated.
We hope you enjoy the rest of your summer!!

Congratulations to this week's Summer Reading Challenge winners: Maddison Stevens and Callaway Martin! Our next drawing will be Monday, July 12th for two more winners.

Congratulations to this week's Summer Reading Challenge winners: Josie Roberts and Eli Davis! Our next drawing will be Monday, July 5th for two more winners.

Congratulations to this week's Summer Reading Challenge winners: Jeremiah Davis and Hannah Lay! Our next drawing will be Monday, June 28th for two more winners.

MVES - Would you like the chance to win prizes over summer break?!? Like Apple AirPods, Hoverboard, Nintendo Switch, Apple Watch, Chromebook, Barbie Dream House, Portable Basketball Hoop, Trampoline, PowerBeats, Bike, or Legos?!? Save the Children is sponsoring a Summer Reading Program through August 20, 2021. All you have to do is READ and record your reading using the QR Code below!! Let’s get to Reading!! Two winners will be announced each Monday on the Mountain View School District website & Facebook page. All prizes provided by Save the Children.

Congratulations to this week's Summer Reading Challenge winners: Kallie Mealer and Gabriel Treadway!
Our next drawing will be Monday, June 21st for two more winners.

MVES would like to thank Iced by Chelsea and Mountain Momma Cookies for treating our teachers with beautiful and delicious cookies! You guys are too sweet!!

Thank you, Tim Wilson & Farm Bureau for feeding our teachers today!! He had some great helpers! We appreciate your kindness!

MVES - Mountain View Elementary will not be in session tomorrow, June 2, due to the broken water line. Students will need to complete work for Day 2 in the AMI packet. If parents were unable to pick up their child’s packet today, they may pick it up from 8:00 - 10:00 in the morning under the awning. Pre-K will be in session and run a normal schedule.

Mountain View Elementary School grades K-4 will not be in session tomorrow June 1 due to a broken water line. AMI packets can be picked up at the elementary from Noon until 3 PM.
Pre-K will be in session as normal.

MVES - We would like to say “Thank you!” to the Arkansas Wildlife Officers Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #41 for their donation of 23 outdoor educational books. These books are part of their AWARE Campaign (Arkansas Wildlife Awareness Reading & Education) to promote awareness, appreciation, and a better understanding of our state’s wildlife, their habitats & the environment. We appreciate your generosity to our students!

MVES - Thank you to Lisa from The Storehouse for our Teacher Appreciation cookies, Rylee Sims, Elizabeth Terry, and our anonymous giver for all the goodies in the teacher work room today!!