MVES - You can watch the Mountain View Campus Spelling Bee for grades 3-8 at the link below: Good luck to all our spellers!!
about 3 years ago, Kay Shipman
MVES - Our fourth graders ended the October wrap up by wrapping each other up & creating spooky characters!
about 3 years ago, Kay Shipman
MVES - Fourth graders shared spooky stories with flashlight reading! And held their audience captive with their story telling!
about 3 years ago, Kay Shipman
MVES “wrapped up” October with fun activities! Mrs. Jessen’s first graders did a STEM project with students building a house to trap a ghost!
about 3 years ago, Kay Shipman
MVES - Congratulations to our MVES 4th Grade Spelling Bee winners!
about 3 years ago, Kay Shipman
MVES - Congratulations to our MVES 3rd Grade Spelling Bee winners!
about 3 years ago, Kay Shipman
MVES - The Mountain View Elementary Spelling Bee will begin momentarily. Here is the link to watch Good luck to all of our spellers!!!
about 3 years ago, Kay Shipman
MVES - Next week is Red Ribbon Week!! Students may dress up on designated days to celebrate making drug-free choices!! We look forward to seeing a Red-Out on Monday!!
about 3 years ago, Kay Shipman
Red Ribbon Days
MVES - Things “got out of hand” in 4th grade today while studying idioms. Mrs. Wilson was “bent out of shape” and Ms. Hughes’ “eyes popped out of her head” when “party pooper” Mrs. Bennett was upset with “copy cat” Mrs. Gilliam. But Ms. Sutton had “all eyes on her” and just smiled!
about 3 years ago, Kay Shipman
MVES - We were “blown away” when 4th grade showed off their “Idiom” style of phrases or expressions that have a different figurative meaning than the literal meaning!
about 3 years ago, Kay Shipman
idiom 3
Idiom 2
idiom 4
Idiom 1
MVES - Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held tomorrow, Thursday, October 21 from 3:30-7:30 p.m. No conferences will be held in-person. Your child’s teacher will contact you to discuss your child’s academic progress for the first nine-weeks. There will be NO SCHOOL on Friday, October 22. We look forward to conferencing with you tomorrow!
about 3 years ago, Kay Shipman
MVES - Third grade has been studying Cultures & Traditions in Reading & Social Studies. Here is their Culture Quilt. We love learning about our students as they are learning!
over 3 years ago, Kay Shipman
quilt 3
quilt 4
quilt 2
MVES - Our students have been busy over the past 9 weeks!
over 3 years ago, Kay Shipman
MVES - Our fourth grade students participating in an Erosion Science Investigation with sugar cubes. How sweet!😉
over 3 years ago, Kay Shipman
4th 1
4th 3
4th 4
4th 2
MVES - “Make your mark • See where it takes you” International Dot Day inspired by Peter Reynold’s book “The Dot.”
over 3 years ago, Kay Shipman
dot 4
dot 5
MVES - Today is International Dot Day in celebration of the book “The Dot.” Mrs. Sutterfield has shared some of our students’ creative dots!!
over 3 years ago, Kay Shipman
dot day
dot 3
dot 2
dot 1
MVES - If your child in grades K-5 is interested in Cub Scouts, the Quapaw Area Council will be at Mountain View Elementary under the awning on Thursday, September 9 at 6:30 p.m. for sign ups and you get a free fishing pole! Registration fee is $80.
over 3 years ago, Kay Shipman
MVES - Thank you to Stone Bank for providing extra bottles of water for our students and to Jennifer Hinston, Pure International Classy Ms.South Central Arkansas for donating water bottles for our students & students across the district, as well as snacks, disinfectant wipes, and notebooks. (All donations were received before the first day of school.)
over 3 years ago, Kay Shipman
MVES - Mountain View Elementary wants to give a big thank you to Centennial Bank and Wal-Mart for each donating $1000 that allowed us to provide school supplies for our students and to First Baptist Church for providing KinderMats for our kindergartners.
over 3 years ago, Kay Shipman
MVES - Week 2 has begun! Thank you to all of our students, parents, teachers, and staff for a great start to the school year!
over 3 years ago, Kay Shipman