Substitute Training Seminar NEXT Wednesday, October 23 from 12-3 pm at Mountain View Elementary School. Please call 1-800-641-0140 to get details regarding required background check.
over 5 years ago, Kay Shipman
Fishing for Vocabulary with our coordinator of Family Literacy Night, Mrs. Gammill
over 5 years ago, Kay Shipman
Fishing for Vocabulary
Shout out to our MVHS BETA Students for helping make Literacy Night a SUCCESS!! (The picture won’t post everyone unless it’s sideways!! 🤷🏼‍♀️ Enjoy both 😊)
over 5 years ago, Kay Shipman
Flashlight Reading in a Tent on Family Literacy Night
over 5 years ago, Kay Shipman
Flashlight Reading in a Tent
Literacy Night Reading around the Campfire 🔥
over 5 years ago, Brent Howard
Literacy night @ MVE
over 5 years ago, Brent Howard
Literacy night @ MVE
Literacy night @MVE
Literacy night @ MVE
Thank you, Stone County Medical Center of White River Health Systems for donating books for all of our students & Centennial Bank for “roasting” the hot dogs for our camp fire gathering!
over 5 years ago, Kay Shipman
Enjoying Jr. Jackets Football!!
over 5 years ago, Brent Howard
Enjoying Jr. Jackets Football!!!
Family Literacy Night in full swing!
over 5 years ago, Kay Shipman
Family Literacy Night!!  Come read with us!
Come out to Family Literacy Night TONIGHT from 6-8 pm at the Multi-Purpose Room. We will have a free book courtesy of White River Health Systems and s'more trail mix for each student in grades K-4. Centennial Bank is cooking hot dogs! We hope to see you there!
over 5 years ago, Kay Shipman
School pictures will be Thursday, October 17. Be sure to bring your best smile.
over 5 years ago, April Prince
Mountain View Preschool now has a limited number of spots available for the current school year. To apply, children must have turned 3 on or before August 1st, 2019. The following information is required to register: - Proof of Household Income (Current Tax Return and/or one month of current pay stubs) - Birth Certificate - Social Security Card - Current Immunization Record Applications can be picked up at the preschool building.
over 5 years ago, Carrie Futrell
Mountain View Elementary Catalog Fundraiser Orders are due NOW! Thank you for your support of putting more Chromebooks in the Classrooms!!
over 5 years ago, Kay Shipman
Mountain View Elementary will be hosting a Family Literacy Night on October 15 from 6-8 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Building. Make plans to attend for fun-filled activities, snacks and a free book!
over 5 years ago, Kay Shipman